Each capstone requirement will be a minimum of a one (1) credit, credit-bearing course. internship, research, etc.) it is recommended that wherever possible, the course include high impact practices such as service learning and problem based learning. If the Capstone experience is primarily course based (vs. In all possible regards, the Capstone Experience should be an expression of the totality of a student’s growth, development, and learning as an undergraduate. These learning goals should support some or all of the Objectives of General Education as established by the Faculty Senate on November 3, 2014. These experiences should occur during the senior year or near the end of the program of study and must have a set of learning goals that are well-communicated to students. In reviewing and approving proposed Capstone Experiences for degree programs, the Undergraduate Studies Committee is directed to use the following criteria.Ī Capstone Experience will require students to engage in explorations in which the outcomes are unknown, and/or to engage in self-assessment, reflection, and analysis that prepares them for future success. Guidelines for the Review of the Capstone Experience These learning goals should support some or all of the Objectives of General Education. These experiences should occur during the senior year or near the program of study and must have a set of learning goals that are well communicated to students.

The capstone resolution. A Capstone Experience will require students to engage in explorations where the outcomes are unknown or to engage in self-assessment, reflection and analysis that prepares them for future success (or both).